The Story of
Natures Medicine
The world has been evolving for over 4 Billion years…
With one goal…
To survive.
And to do that,
It had to do two things…
1. Self-Reproduce
The feminine trait of nature
2. Self-Protect
The masculine trait of nature
And it was thriving…
through Nature
Greed took over…
And replaced nature with synthetic
In 1910
The Flexner Report, funded by Carnegie and Rockefeller, deemed the longest-lasting, unbiased, scientific experiment of all time, NATURE, “scientific quackery” removing it from the medical education curriculum.
Which led to the rise of synthetics
Synthetic Farms
Synthetic Food
Synthetic Pharma
These industries are driven by greed…
Nature has no greed…
It has no bias.
Its only desire is to survive…
And it has used 4 Billion Years of data & iteration to produce who we are today…
No peer-reviewed double-blinded placebo study has that much data to claim.
It’s time we bring Nature back into our Medicine…
Nature is science.